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IMyShipController Methods
v01.180.0 (Beta)

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The IMyShipController type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddToGamePruningStructure Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodAddUpgradeValue (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodBeforeSave (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodCalcLocalMatrix (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodCalculateCurrentModel (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodCalculateShipMass
Gets information about the current mass of the ship.
(Inherited from IMyShipController.)
Public methodClose (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodCrouch (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public methodDebugDraw (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodDebugDrawInvalidTriangles (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodDelete (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodDie (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public methodDoOverlapSphereTest (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodDown (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public methodDrawHud (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public methodEnableColorMaskForSubparts (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetActions (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodGetActionWithName (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodGetArtificialGravity
Gets the detected artificial gravity vector and power at the current location.
(Inherited from IMyShipController.)
Public method[M:VRage.ModAPI.IMyEntity.GetChildren(System.Collections.Generic.List{VRage.ModAPI.IMyEntity},System.Func`2)] (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetDiffuseColor (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetDistanceBetweenCameraAndBoundingSphere (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetDistanceBetweenCameraAndPosition (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetFriendlyName (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetHeadMatrix (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public methodGetIntersectionWithLine (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetIntersectionWithLineAndBoundingSphere (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetIntersectionWithSphere (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetInventory (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetInventory(Int32) (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetLargestDistanceBetweenCameraAndBoundingSphere (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetNaturalGravity
Gets the detected natural gravity vector and power at the current location.
(Inherited from IMyShipController.)
Public methodGetObjectBuilder (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetObjectBuilderCubeBlock (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodGetOwnerFactionTag (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodGetPlayerRelationToOwner (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodGetPosition (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetProperties (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodGetProperty (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodGetShipSpeed
Gets the basic ship speed in meters per second, for when you just need to know how fast you're going.
(Inherited from IMyShipController.)
Public methodGetShipVelocities
Determines the linear velocities in meters per second and angular velocities in radians per second. Provides a more accurate representation of the directions and axis speeds.
(Inherited from IMyShipController.)
Public methodGetSmallestDistanceBetweenCameraAndBoundingSphere (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetSubpart (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetTopMostParent (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetTotalGravity
Gets the total accumulated gravity vector and power at the current location, taking both natural and artificial gravity into account.
(Inherited from IMyShipController.)
Public methodGetTrianglesIntersectingSphere (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetUserRelationToOwner (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodGetViewMatrix (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetWorldMatrixNormalizedInv (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodHasLocalPlayerAccess (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodHasPlayerAccess (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodInit (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodInit(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock, IMyCubeGrid) (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodIsVisible (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodJump (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public methodMoveAndRotate (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public methodMoveAndRotateStopped (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public methodOnAddedToScene (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodOnBuildSuccess (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodOnDestroy (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodOnModelChange (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodOnRegisteredToGridSystems (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodOnRemovedByCubeBuilder (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodOnRemovedFromScene (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodOnUnregisteredFromGridSystems (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodPickUp (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public methodPickUpContinues (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public methodRaycastDetectors (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodRefreshCustomInfo
Raises AppendingCustomInfo so every subscriber can append custom info.
(Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodReloadDetectors (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodRemoveEffect (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodRemoveFromGamePruningStructure Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodSearchActionsOfName (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodSetColorMaskForSubparts (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodSetCustomName(String) Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodSetCustomName(StringBuilder) Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodSetDamageEffect (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodSetEffect(String, Boolean) (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodSetEffect(String, Single, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodSetEmissiveParts (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodSetEmissivePartsForSubparts (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodSetLocalMatrix (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodSetPosition (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodSetWorldMatrix (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodShowInventory (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public methodShowTerminal (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public methodSwitchDamping (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public methodSwitchHelmet (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public methodSwitchLeadingGears (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public methodSwitchLights (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public methodSwitchReactors (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public methodSwitchThrusts (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public methodSwitchWalk (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public methodTryGetPlanetElevation
Attempts to get the elevation of the ship in relation to the nearest planet. This method is only available when a ship is within the gravity well of a planet.
(Inherited from IMyShipController.)
Public methodTryGetPlanetPosition
Attempts to get the world position of the nearest planet. This method is only available when a ship is within the gravity well of a planet.
(Inherited from IMyShipController.)
Public methodTryGetSubpart (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodUp (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public methodUpdateGamePruningStructure Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodUpdateIsWorking (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodUpdateVisual (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodUse (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public methodUseContinues (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodApplyAction(String)Overloaded. (Defined by TerminalBlockExtentions.)
Public Extension MethodApplyAction(String, ListTerminalActionParameter)Overloaded. (Defined by TerminalBlockExtentions.)
Public Extension MethodGetDefaultValueT
Returns default value of specified property as TypeName
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetId (Defined by TerminalBlockExtentions.)
Public Extension MethodGetInventoryCount (Defined by TerminalBlockExtentions.)
Public Extension MethodGetMaximumT
Returns maximum value of specified property as TypeName
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetMinimumT
Returns minimum value of specified property as TypeName
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetMininumT (Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetUseConveyorSystem (Defined by TerminalBlockExtentions.)
Public Extension MethodGetValueT
Returns value of specified property as TypeName
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetValueBool
Returns value of specified property
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetValueColor
Returns value of specified property
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetValueFloat
Returns value of specified property
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodHasAction (Defined by TerminalBlockExtentions.)
Public Extension MethodHasInventory (Defined by TerminalBlockExtentions.)
Public Extension MethodSetUseConveyorSystem (Defined by TerminalBlockExtentions.)
Public Extension MethodSetValueT
Set value of property with type of TypeName
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetValueBool
Set bool value of property
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetValueColor
Set bool value of property
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetValueFloat
Set float value of property
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
See Also