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IMyShipController Interface
v01.180.0 (Beta)

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Namespace: Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame
Assembly: Sandbox.Common (in Sandbox.Common.dll) Version: (
public interface IMyShipController : IMyTerminalBlock, 
	IMyCubeBlock, IMyEntity

The IMyShipController type exposes the following members.

Public methodCalculateShipMass
Gets information about the current mass of the ship.
Public methodGetActions (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodGetActionWithName (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodGetArtificialGravity
Gets the detected artificial gravity vector and power at the current location.
Public methodGetInventory (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetInventory(Int32) (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetNaturalGravity
Gets the detected natural gravity vector and power at the current location.
Public methodGetOwnerFactionTag (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodGetPlayerRelationToOwner Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodGetPosition (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetProperties (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodGetProperty (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodGetShipSpeed
Gets the basic ship speed in meters per second, for when you just need to know how fast you're going.
Public methodGetShipVelocities
Determines the linear velocities in meters per second and angular velocities in radians per second. Provides a more accurate representation of the directions and axis speeds.
Public methodGetTotalGravity
Gets the total accumulated gravity vector and power at the current location, taking both natural and artificial gravity into account.
Public methodGetUserRelationToOwner (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodHasLocalPlayerAccess (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodHasPlayerAccess (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodSearchActionsOfName (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodSetCustomName(String) Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodSetCustomName(StringBuilder) Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodTryGetPlanetElevation
Attempts to get the elevation of the ship in relation to the nearest planet. This method is only available when a ship is within the gravity well of a planet.
Public methodTryGetPlanetPosition
Attempts to get the world position of the nearest planet. This method is only available when a ship is within the gravity well of a planet.
Public methodUpdateIsWorking Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodUpdateVisual Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodApplyAction(String)Overloaded. (Defined by TerminalBlockExtentions.)
Public Extension MethodApplyAction(String, ListTerminalActionParameter)Overloaded. (Defined by TerminalBlockExtentions.)
Public Extension MethodGetDefaultValueT
Returns default value of specified property as TypeName
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetId (Defined by TerminalBlockExtentions.)
Public Extension MethodGetInventoryCount (Defined by TerminalBlockExtentions.)
Public Extension MethodGetMaximumT
Returns maximum value of specified property as TypeName
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetMinimumT
Returns minimum value of specified property as TypeName
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetMininumT (Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetUseConveyorSystem (Defined by TerminalBlockExtentions.)
Public Extension MethodGetValueT
Returns value of specified property as TypeName
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetValueBool
Returns value of specified property
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetValueColor
Returns value of specified property
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetValueFloat
Returns value of specified property
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodHasAction (Defined by TerminalBlockExtentions.)
Public Extension MethodHasInventory (Defined by TerminalBlockExtentions.)
Public Extension MethodSetUseConveyorSystem (Defined by TerminalBlockExtentions.)
Public Extension MethodSetValueT
Set value of property with type of TypeName
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetValueBool
Set bool value of property
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetValueColor
Set bool value of property
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetValueFloat
Set float value of property
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public propertyBlockDefinition (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyCanControlShip
Determines whether this specific ship controller is capable of controlling the ship it's installed on.
Public propertyCenterOfMass
Center of mass in world coordinates
Public propertyCheckConnectionAllowed (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyComponents (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyControlThrusters
Gets or sets whether thrusters are being controlled by this controller.
Public propertyControlWheels
Gets or sets whether wheels are being controlled by this controller.
Public propertyCubeGrid (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyCustomData
Gets or sets the Custom Data string. NOTE: Only use this for user input. For storing large mod configs, create your own MyModStorageComponent
(Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyCustomInfo (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyCustomName (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyCustomNameWithFaction (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyDampenersOverride
Gets or sets whether dampeners are currently enabled.
Public propertyDefinitionDisplayNameText (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyDetailedInfo (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyDisassembleRatio (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyDisplayName (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyDisplayNameText (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyEntityId (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyHandBrake
Gets or sets the current state of the handbrake.
Public propertyHasInventory (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyHasWheels
Determines whether there are any wheels on this ship.
Public propertyInventoryCount (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyIsBeingHacked (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyIsFunctional (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyIsUnderControl
Indicates whether a block is locally or remotely controlled.
Public propertyIsWorking (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyMass (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyMax (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyMin (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyMoveIndicator
Directional input from user/autopilot. Values can be very large with high controller sensitivity
Public propertyName (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyNumberInGrid (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyOrientation (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyOwnerId (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyPosition (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyRollIndicator
Roll input from user/autopilot. Values can be very large with high controller sensitivity
Public propertyRotationIndicator
Pitch, yaw input from user/autopilot. Values can be very large with high controller sensitivity
Public propertyShowHorizonIndicator
Gets or sets whether the horizon indicator should be displayed for this block.
Public propertyShowInTerminal (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyShowInToolbarConfig (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyShowOnHUD (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyWorldAABB (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyWorldAABBHr (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyWorldMatrix (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyWorldVolume (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyWorldVolumeHr (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
See Also