Click or drag to resize
IMyTerminalControlTextbox Properties
v01.180.0 (Beta)

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The IMyTerminalControlTextbox type exposes the following members.

Public propertyEnabled
Allows you to set if the control is enabled
(Inherited from IMyTerminalControl.)
Public propertyGetter
This is triggered when the value of the control is required.
(Inherited from IMyTerminalValueControlTValue.)
Public propertyId
Identifier of control
(Inherited from IMyTerminalControl.)
Public propertySetter
This is triggered when the value of the control is set by the user. Depending on the control, this may be called a lot.
(Inherited from IMyTerminalValueControlTValue.)
Public propertySupportsMultipleBlocks
Allows you to set if the control is visible when the block is selected as a group
(Inherited from IMyTerminalControl.)
Public propertyTitle
Allows you to get or set the Label that appears on the control
(Inherited from IMyTerminalControlTitleTooltip.)
Public propertyTooltip
Allows you to get or set the tooltip that appears when you hover over the control
(Inherited from IMyTerminalControlTitleTooltip.)
Public propertyTypeName
Property type (bool - Boolean, float - Single, color - Color)
(Inherited from ITerminalProperty.)
Public propertyVisible
Allows you to set if the control is visible
(Inherited from IMyTerminalControl.)
See Also