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IMyMotorAdvancedStator Interface
v01.180.0 (Beta)

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Namespace: Sandbox.ModAPI
Assembly: Sandbox.Common (in Sandbox.Common.dll) Version: (
public interface IMyMotorAdvancedStator : IMyMotorStator, 
	IMyMotorBase, IMyMechanicalConnectionBlock, IMyFunctionalBlock, IMyTerminalBlock, IMyCubeBlock, 
	IMyEntity, IMyMotorAdvancedStator, IMyMotorStator, IMyMotorBase, IMyMechanicalConnectionBlock, 
	IMyFunctionalBlock, IMyTerminalBlock, IMyCubeBlock, IMyEntity

The IMyMotorAdvancedStator type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddToGamePruningStructure Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodAddUpgradeValue (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodAttach
Attaches a nearby top part to the block
(Inherited from IMyMechanicalConnectionBlock.)
Public methodAttach(IMyAttachableTopBlock, Boolean)
Attaches the specified top part to the base
(Inherited from IMyMechanicalConnectionBlock.)
Public methodAttach(IMyMotorRotor, Boolean)
Attaches a specified nearby rotor/wheel to the stator/suspension block
(Inherited from IMyMotorBase.)
Public methodBeforeSave (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodCalcLocalMatrix (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodCalculateCurrentModel (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodClose (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodDebugDraw (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodDebugDrawInvalidTriangles (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodDelete (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodDetach
Detaches the top from the base
(Inherited from IMyMechanicalConnectionBlock.)
Public methodDoOverlapSphereTest (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodEnableColorMaskForSubparts (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetActions (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodGetActionWithName (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public method[M:VRage.ModAPI.IMyEntity.GetChildren(System.Collections.Generic.List{VRage.ModAPI.IMyEntity},System.Func`2)] (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetDiffuseColor (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetDistanceBetweenCameraAndBoundingSphere (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetDistanceBetweenCameraAndPosition (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetFriendlyName (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetIntersectionWithLine (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetIntersectionWithLineAndBoundingSphere (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetIntersectionWithSphere (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetInventory (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetInventory(Int32) (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetLargestDistanceBetweenCameraAndBoundingSphere (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetObjectBuilder (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetObjectBuilderCubeBlock (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodGetOwnerFactionTag (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodGetPlayerRelationToOwner (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodGetPosition (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetProperties (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodGetProperty (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodGetSmallestDistanceBetweenCameraAndBoundingSphere (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetSubpart (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetTopMostParent (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetTrianglesIntersectingSphere (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetUserRelationToOwner (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodGetViewMatrix (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodGetWorldMatrixNormalizedInv (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodHasLocalPlayerAccess (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodHasPlayerAccess (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodInit (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodInit(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock, IMyCubeGrid) (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodIsVisible (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodOnAddedToScene (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodOnBuildSuccess (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodOnDestroy (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodOnModelChange (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodOnRegisteredToGridSystems (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodOnRemovedByCubeBuilder (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodOnRemovedFromScene (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodOnUnregisteredFromGridSystems (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodRaycastDetectors (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodRefreshCustomInfo
Raises AppendingCustomInfo so every subscriber can append custom info.
(Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodReloadDetectors (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodRemoveEffect (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodRemoveFromGamePruningStructure Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodRequestEnable Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyFunctionalBlock.)
Public methodSearchActionsOfName (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodSetColorMaskForSubparts (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodSetCustomName(String) Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodSetCustomName(StringBuilder) Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public methodSetDamageEffect (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodSetEffect(String, Boolean) (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodSetEffect(String, Single, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodSetEmissiveParts (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodSetEmissivePartsForSubparts (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodSetLocalMatrix (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodSetPosition (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodSetWorldMatrix (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodTryGetSubpart (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodUpdateGamePruningStructure Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public methodUpdateIsWorking (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public methodUpdateVisual (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodApplyAction(String)Overloaded. (Defined by TerminalBlockExtentions.)
Public Extension MethodApplyAction(String, ListTerminalActionParameter)Overloaded. (Defined by TerminalBlockExtentions.)
Public Extension MethodGetDefaultValueT
Returns default value of specified property as TypeName
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetId (Defined by TerminalBlockExtentions.)
Public Extension MethodGetInventoryCount (Defined by TerminalBlockExtentions.)
Public Extension MethodGetMaximumT
Returns maximum value of specified property as TypeName
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetMinimumT
Returns minimum value of specified property as TypeName
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetMininumT (Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetUseConveyorSystem (Defined by TerminalBlockExtentions.)
Public Extension MethodGetValueT
Returns value of specified property as TypeName
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetValueBool
Returns value of specified property
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetValueColor
Returns value of specified property
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetValueFloat
Returns value of specified property
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodHasAction (Defined by TerminalBlockExtentions.)
Public Extension MethodHasInventory (Defined by TerminalBlockExtentions.)
Public Extension MethodSetUseConveyorSystem (Defined by TerminalBlockExtentions.)
Public Extension MethodSetValueT
Set value of property with type of TypeName
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetValueBool
Set bool value of property
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetValueColor
Set bool value of property
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetValueFloat
Set float value of property
(Defined by TerminalPropertyExtensions.)
Public propertyAngle
Gets the current angle of the rotor.
(Inherited from IMyMotorStator.)
Public propertyBlockDefinition (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyBrakingTorque
Gets or sets the torque applied when stopping the rotor top
(Inherited from IMyMotorStator.)
Public propertyCastShadows (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyCheckConnectionAllowed (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyClosed (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyComponents (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyCubeGrid (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyCustomData
Gets or sets the Custom Data string. NOTE: Only use this for user input. For storing large mod configs, create your own MyModStorageComponent
(Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyCustomInfo (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyCustomName (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyCustomNameWithFaction (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyDebugAsyncLoading (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyDefinitionDisplayNameText (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyDetailedInfo (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyDisassembleRatio (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyDisplacement
Gets or sets the vertical displacement of the rotor top
(Inherited from IMyMotorStator.)
Public propertyDisplayName (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyDisplayNameText (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyDummyPosition
Gets the dummy position, to aid in attachment
(Inherited from IMyMotorBase.)
Public propertyEnabled (Inherited from IMyFunctionalBlock.)
Public propertyEntityId (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyFastCastShadowResolve (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyFlags (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyGameLogic (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyHasInventory (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyHierarchy (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyInScene (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyInvalidateOnMove (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyInventoryCount (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyIsAttached
Gets if the block base is attached to something
(Inherited from IMyMechanicalConnectionBlock.)
Public propertyIsBeingHacked (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyIsCCDForProjectiles Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyIsFunctional (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyIsLocked Obsolete.
Gets if the block is safety locked (welded)
(Inherited from IMyMechanicalConnectionBlock.)
Public propertyIsVolumetric (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyIsWorking (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyLocalAABB (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyLocalAABBHr (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyLocalMatrix (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyLocalVolume (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyLocalVolumeOffset (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyLocationForHudMarker Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyLowerLimit
Gets or sets the lower angle limit of the rotor. Set to -361 for no limit.
(Inherited from IMyMotorStator.)
Public propertyMarkedForClose (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyMass (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyMax (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyMaxGlassDistSq (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyMaxRotorAngularVelocity
Gets the maximum angular velocity this rotor is capable of.
(Inherited from IMyMotorBase.)
Public propertyMin (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyModel (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyName (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyNearFlag (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyNeedsDraw (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyNeedsDrawFromParent (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyNeedsResolveCastShadow (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyNeedsUpdate (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyNumberInGrid (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyOrientation (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyOwnerId (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyParent (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyPendingAttachment
Gets if the block is looking for a top part
(Inherited from IMyMechanicalConnectionBlock.)
Public propertyPersistentFlags (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyPhysics (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyPosition (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyPositionComp (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyRender (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyResourceSink (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyRotor Obsolete.
Gets the attached rotor part entity
(Inherited from IMyMotorBase.)
Public propertyRotorAngularVelocity
Gets the current angular velocity.
(Inherited from IMyMotorBase.)
Public propertyRotorGrid Obsolete.
Gets the grid attached to the rotor part
(Inherited from IMyMotorBase.)
Public propertySafetyLock
Gets if the block is safety locked (welded)
(Inherited from IMyMechanicalConnectionBlock.)
Public propertySafetyLockSpeed
Gets or sets the speed at which this device will engage it's safety lock (IsLocked).
(Inherited from IMyMechanicalConnectionBlock.)
Public propertySave (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyShadowBoxLod (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyShowInTerminal (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyShowInToolbarConfig (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyShowOnHUD (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertySkipIfTooSmall (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertySlimBlock (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyStorage (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertySynchronized (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertySyncObject (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyTargetVelocity
Gets or sets the desired velocity of the rotor
(Inherited from IMyMotorStator.)
Public propertyTop
Gets the attached top part entity
(Inherited from IMyMechanicalConnectionBlock.)
Public propertyTopGrid
Gets the grid of the attached top part
(Inherited from IMyMechanicalConnectionBlock.)
Public propertyTorque
Gets or sets the torque applied when moving the rotor top
(Inherited from IMyMotorStator.)
Public propertyTransparent (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyUpgradeValues (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyUpperLimit
Gets or sets the upper angle limit of the rotor. Set to 361 for no limit.
(Inherited from IMyMotorStator.)
Public propertyVelocity Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyMotorStator.)
Public propertyVisible (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyWorldAABB (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyWorldAABBHr (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyWorldMatrix (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyWorldMatrixInvScaled (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyWorldMatrixNormalizedInv (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyWorldVolume (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyWorldVolumeHr (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public eventAppendingCustomInfo
Event to append custom info.
(Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public eventAttachedEntityChanged (Inherited from IMyMotorBase.)
Public eventCustomNameChanged (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public eventEnabledChanged (Inherited from IMyFunctionalBlock.)
Public eventIsWorkingChanged (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public eventLimitReached (Inherited from IMyMotorStator.)
Public eventOnClose (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public eventOnClosing (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public eventOnMarkForClose (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public eventOnPhysicsChanged (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public eventOnUpgradeValuesChanged (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public eventOwnershipChanged (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public eventPropertiesChanged (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public eventShowOnHUDChanged (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public eventVisibilityChanged (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
See Also