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IMyOxygenTank Properties
v01.180.0 (Beta)

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The IMyOxygenTank type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAutoRefillBottles
Gets or sets whether storage bottles will be filled automatically when placed within this tank.
(Inherited from IMyGasTank.)
Public propertyBlockDefinition (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyCapacity
Gets the gas capacity of this tank.
(Inherited from IMyGasTank.)
Public propertyCheckConnectionAllowed (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyComponents (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyCubeGrid (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyCustomData
Gets or sets the Custom Data string. NOTE: Only use this for user input. For storing large mod configs, create your own MyModStorageComponent
(Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyCustomInfo (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyCustomName (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyCustomNameWithFaction (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyDefinitionDisplayNameText (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyDetailedInfo (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyDisassembleRatio (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyDisplayName (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyDisplayNameText (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyEnabled (Inherited from IMyFunctionalBlock.)
Public propertyEntityId (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyFilledRatio
Gets the current fill level of this tank as a value between 0 (empty) and 1 (full).
(Inherited from IMyGasTank.)
Public propertyHasInventory (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyInventoryCount (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyIsBeingHacked (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyIsFunctional (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyIsWorking (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyMass (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyMax (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyMin (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyName (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyNumberInGrid (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyOrientation (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyOwnerId (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyPosition (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyShowInTerminal (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyShowInToolbarConfig (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyShowOnHUD (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyStockpile
Gets or sets the stockpiling option for this gas tank. When stockpile is on, the tank will only allow itself to be filled, it will not release any gas.
(Inherited from IMyGasTank.)
Public propertyWorldAABB (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyWorldAABBHr (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyWorldMatrix (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyWorldVolume (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyWorldVolumeHr (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
See Also