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IMyCockpit Properties
v01.180.0 (Beta)

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The IMyCockpit type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowCubeBuilding (Inherited from IMyCameraController.)
Public propertyBlockDefinition (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyCanControlShip
Determines whether this specific ship controller is capable of controlling the ship it's installed on.
(Inherited from IMyShipController.)
Public propertyCastShadows (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyCenterOfMass
Center of mass in world coordinates
(Inherited from IMyShipController.)
Public propertyCheckConnectionAllowed (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyClosed (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyComponents (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyControllerInfo (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public propertyControlThrusters
Gets or sets whether thrusters are being controlled by this controller.
(Inherited from IMyShipController.)
Public propertyControlWheels
Gets or sets whether wheels are being controlled by this controller.
(Inherited from IMyShipController.)
Public propertyCubeGrid (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyCustomData
Gets or sets the Custom Data string. NOTE: Only use this for user input. For storing large mod configs, create your own MyModStorageComponent
(Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyCustomInfo (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyCustomName (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyCustomNameWithFaction (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyDampenersOverride
Gets or sets whether dampeners are currently enabled.
(Inherited from IMyShipController.)
Public propertyDebugAsyncLoading (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyDefinitionDisplayNameText (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyDetailedInfo (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyDisassembleRatio (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyDisplayName (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyDisplayNameText (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyEnabledDamping (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public propertyEnabledHelmet (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public propertyEnabledLeadingGears (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public propertyEnabledLights (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public propertyEnabledReactors (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public propertyEnabledThrusts (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public propertyEntity (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public propertyEntityId (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyFastCastShadowResolve (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyFlags (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyForceFirstPersonCamera (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public propertyGameLogic (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyHandBrake
Gets or sets the current state of the handbrake.
(Inherited from IMyShipController.)
Public propertyHasFirstPersonCamera
Gets if this ship controller contains a first-person camera view.
(Inherited from IMyShipController.)
Public propertyHasInventory (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyHasWheels
Determines whether there are any wheels on this ship.
(Inherited from IMyShipController.)
Public propertyHierarchy (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyInScene (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyInvalidateOnMove (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyInventoryCount (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyIsBeingHacked (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyIsCCDForProjectiles Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyIsFunctional (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyIsInFirstPersonView (Inherited from IMyCameraController.)
Public propertyIsMainCockpit
Determines whether this controller is the main cockpit of the shit this doesn't belong here.
(Inherited from IMyCockpit.)
Public propertyIsShooting
Gets if the ship is shooting selected weapons.
(Inherited from IMyShipController.)
Public propertyIsUnderControl
Indicates whether a block is locally or remotely controlled.
(Inherited from IMyShipController.)
Public propertyIsVolumetric (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyIsWorking (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyLastPilot
Get the last character that was piloting the controller.
(Inherited from IMyShipController.)
Public propertyLocalAABB (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyLocalAABBHr (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyLocalMatrix (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyLocalVolume (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyLocalVolumeOffset (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyLocationForHudMarker Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyMarkedForClose (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyMass (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyMax (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyMaxGlassDistSq (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyMin (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyModel (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyMoveIndicator
Gets the current movement direction indicator
(Inherited from IMyShipController.)
Public propertyName (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyNearFlag (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyNeedsDraw (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyNeedsDrawFromParent (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyNeedsResolveCastShadow (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyNeedsUpdate (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyNumberInGrid (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyOrientation (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyOwnerId (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyOxygenCapacity
Gets the maximum oxygen capacity of this cockpit.
(Inherited from IMyCockpit.)
Public propertyOxygenFilledRatio
Gets or sets the current oxygen level of this cockpit, as a value between 0 (empty) and 1 (full).
Public propertyParent (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyPersistentFlags (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyPhysics (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyPilot
Get the character that is currently piloting the controller.
(Inherited from IMyShipController.)
Public propertyPosition (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyPositionComp (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyPrimaryLookaround (Inherited from IMyControllableEntity.)
Public propertyRender (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyResourceSink (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyRollIndicator
Gets the current roll direction indicator
(Inherited from IMyShipController.)
Public propertyRotationIndicator
Gets the current rotation direction indicator
(Inherited from IMyShipController.)
Public propertySave (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyShadowBoxLod (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyShowHorizonIndicator
Gets or sets whether the horizon indicator should be displayed for this block.
(Inherited from IMyShipController.)
Public propertyShowInTerminal (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyShowInToolbarConfig (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertyShowOnHUD (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.)
Public propertySkipIfTooSmall (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertySlimBlock (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyStorage (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertySynchronized (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertySyncObject (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyTransparent (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyUpgradeValues (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.)
Public propertyVisible (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyWorldAABB (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyWorldAABBHr (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyWorldMatrix (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyWorldMatrixInvScaled (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyWorldMatrixNormalizedInv (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyWorldVolume (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
Public propertyWorldVolumeHr (Inherited from IMyEntity.)
See Also