IMyPistonBase Interface |
[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]
Namespace: Sandbox.ModAPI
The IMyPistonBase type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AddToGamePruningStructure | Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
AddUpgradeValue | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
Attach |
Attaches a nearby top part to the block
(Inherited from IMyMechanicalConnectionBlock.) | |
Attach(IMyAttachableTopBlock, Boolean) |
Attaches the specified top part to the base
(Inherited from IMyMechanicalConnectionBlock.) | |
Attach(IMyPistonTop, Boolean) |
Attaches a specified nearby top part to the piston block
| |
BeforeSave | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
CalcLocalMatrix | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
CalculateCurrentModel | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
Close | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
DebugDraw | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
DebugDrawInvalidTriangles | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
Delete | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
Detach |
Detaches the top from the base
(Inherited from IMyMechanicalConnectionBlock.) | |
DoOverlapSphereTest | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
EnableColorMaskForSubparts | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
Extend |
Extends the piston.
(Inherited from IMyPistonBase.) | |
GetActions | (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.) | |
GetActionWithName | (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.) | |
[M:VRage.ModAPI.IMyEntity.GetChildren(System.Collections.Generic.List{VRage.ModAPI.IMyEntity},System.Func`2)] | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
GetDiffuseColor | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
GetDistanceBetweenCameraAndBoundingSphere | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
GetDistanceBetweenCameraAndPosition | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
GetFriendlyName | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
GetIntersectionWithLine | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
GetIntersectionWithLineAndBoundingSphere | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
GetIntersectionWithSphere | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
GetInventory | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
GetInventory(Int32) | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
GetLargestDistanceBetweenCameraAndBoundingSphere | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
GetObjectBuilder | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
GetObjectBuilderCubeBlock | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
GetOwnerFactionTag | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
GetPlayerRelationToOwner | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
GetPosition | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
GetProperties | (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.) | |
GetProperty | (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.) | |
GetSmallestDistanceBetweenCameraAndBoundingSphere | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
GetSubpart | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
GetTopMostParent | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
GetTrianglesIntersectingSphere | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
GetUserRelationToOwner | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
GetViewMatrix | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
GetWorldMatrixNormalizedInv | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
HasLocalPlayerAccess | (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.) | |
HasPlayerAccess | (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.) | |
Init | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
Init(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock, IMyCubeGrid) | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
IsVisible | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
OnAddedToScene | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
OnBuildSuccess | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
OnDestroy | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
OnModelChange | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
OnRegisteredToGridSystems | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
OnRemovedByCubeBuilder | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
OnRemovedFromScene | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
OnUnregisteredFromGridSystems | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
RaycastDetectors | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
RefreshCustomInfo |
Raises AppendingCustomInfo so every subscriber can append custom info.
(Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.) | |
ReloadDetectors | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
RemoveEffect | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
RemoveFromGamePruningStructure | Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
RequestEnable | Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyFunctionalBlock.) | |
Retract |
Retracts the piston.
(Inherited from IMyPistonBase.) | |
Reverse |
Reverses the direction of the piston.
(Inherited from IMyPistonBase.) | |
SearchActionsOfName | (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.) | |
SetColorMaskForSubparts | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
SetCustomName(String) | Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.) | |
SetCustomName(StringBuilder) | Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.) | |
SetDamageEffect | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
SetEffect(String, Boolean) | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
SetEffect(String, Single, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
SetEmissiveParts | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
SetEmissivePartsForSubparts | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
SetLocalMatrix | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
SetPosition | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
SetWorldMatrix | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
TryGetSubpart | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
UpdateGamePruningStructure | Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
UpdateIsWorking | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
UpdateVisual | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) |
Name | Description | |
BlockDefinition | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
CastShadows | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
CheckConnectionAllowed | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
Closed | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
Components | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
CubeGrid | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
CurrentPosition |
Gets the current position of the piston head relative to the base.
(Inherited from IMyPistonBase.) | |
CustomData |
Gets or sets the Custom Data string.
NOTE: Only use this for user input. For storing large mod configs, create your own MyModStorageComponent
(Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.) | |
CustomInfo | (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.) | |
CustomName | (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.) | |
CustomNameWithFaction | (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.) | |
DebugAsyncLoading | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
DefinitionDisplayNameText | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
DetailedInfo | (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.) | |
DisassembleRatio | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
DisplayName | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
DisplayNameText | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
Enabled | (Inherited from IMyFunctionalBlock.) | |
EntityId | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
FastCastShadowResolve | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
Flags | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
GameLogic | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
HasInventory | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
Hierarchy | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
HighestPosition |
Gets the highest position the piston is capable of moving to.
(Inherited from IMyPistonBase.) | |
InScene | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
InvalidateOnMove | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
InventoryCount | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
IsAttached |
Gets if the block base is attached to something
(Inherited from IMyMechanicalConnectionBlock.) | |
IsBeingHacked | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
IsCCDForProjectiles | Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
IsFunctional | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
IsLocked | Obsolete.
Gets if the block is safety locked (welded)
(Inherited from IMyMechanicalConnectionBlock.) | |
IsVolumetric | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
IsWorking | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
LocalAABB | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
LocalAABBHr | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
LocalMatrix | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
LocalVolume | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
LocalVolumeOffset | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
LocationForHudMarker | Obsolete. (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
LowestPosition |
Gets the lowest position the piston is capable of moving to.
(Inherited from IMyPistonBase.) | |
MarkedForClose | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
Mass | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
Max | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
MaxGlassDistSq | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
MaxLimit |
Gets or sets the maximum position the piston can extend to. See LowestPosition and HighestPosition for the limits of this value.
(Inherited from IMyPistonBase.) | |
MaxVelocity |
Gets the maximum velocity this piston is capable of moving at.
(Inherited from IMyPistonBase.) | |
Min | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
MinLimit |
Gets or sets the minimum position the piston can retract to. See LowestPosition and HighestPosition for the limits of this value.
(Inherited from IMyPistonBase.) | |
Model | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
Name | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
NearFlag | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
NeedsDraw | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
NeedsDrawFromParent | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
NeedsResolveCastShadow | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
NeedsUpdate | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
NumberInGrid | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
Orientation | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
OwnerId | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
Parent | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
PendingAttachment |
Gets if the block is looking for a top part
(Inherited from IMyMechanicalConnectionBlock.) | |
PersistentFlags | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
Physics | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
Position | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
PositionComp | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
Render | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
ResourceSink | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
SafetyLock |
Gets if the block is safety locked (welded)
(Inherited from IMyMechanicalConnectionBlock.) | |
SafetyLockSpeed |
Gets or sets the speed at which this device will engage it's safety lock (IsLocked).
(Inherited from IMyMechanicalConnectionBlock.) | |
Save | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
ShadowBoxLod | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
ShowInTerminal | (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.) | |
ShowInToolbarConfig | (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.) | |
ShowOnHUD | (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.) | |
SkipIfTooSmall | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
SlimBlock | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
Status |
Gets the current status.
(Inherited from IMyPistonBase.) | |
Storage | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
Synchronized | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
SyncObject | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
Top |
Gets the attached top part entity
(Inherited from IMyMechanicalConnectionBlock.) | |
TopGrid |
Gets the grid of the attached top part
(Inherited from IMyMechanicalConnectionBlock.) | |
Transparent | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
UpgradeValues | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
Velocity |
Gets or sets the velocity of the piston as it extends or retracts. This value can be between negative and positive MaxVelocity.
(Inherited from IMyPistonBase.) | |
Visible | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
WorldAABB | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
WorldAABBHr | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
WorldMatrix | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
WorldMatrixInvScaled | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
WorldMatrixNormalizedInv | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
WorldVolume | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
WorldVolumeHr | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) |
Name | Description | |
AppendingCustomInfo |
Event to append custom info.
(Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.) | |
AttachedEntityChanged |
Notifies when the top grid is attached or detached
| |
CustomNameChanged | (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.) | |
EnabledChanged | (Inherited from IMyFunctionalBlock.) | |
IsWorkingChanged | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
LimitReached | ||
OnClose | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
OnClosing | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
OnMarkForClose | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
OnPhysicsChanged | (Inherited from IMyEntity.) | |
OnUpgradeValuesChanged | (Inherited from IMyCubeBlock.) | |
OwnershipChanged | (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.) | |
PropertiesChanged | (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.) | |
ShowOnHUDChanged | (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.) | |
VisibilityChanged | (Inherited from IMyTerminalBlock.) |